Feel free to leave a comment/question below or email me with any comments or questions at [email protected]. Can’t wait to hear from you!
Feel free to leave a comment/question below or email me with any comments or questions at [email protected]. Can’t wait to hear from you!
So I have to ask, since you made an “IU” shirt, do you live in Bloomington?
I actually live in Greenwood, IN but am an IU alum. Go Hoosiers!
I’m a Ball State Grad! I’m from Evansville, but I just found out last week that Thrifty Decor Chick lives in Indy. Have you guys ever met? I just started following crafting blogs and I think it’s such a coincidence that my two favorites are both from Indy!
I’m down in good ol’ Texas, but get back to the Hoosier state every fall!
We haven’t ever met but I’m sure it would be a fun get-together:) A good family friend of ours just moved to Texas and loves it! I’m hoping to visit this summer. Thanks for stopping by!
I came across your blog this morning, and really enjoyed it!
We have a 4 month old Goldendoodle, and I wanted to ask you about grooming him yourself…
How old was he when you started? I think maybe if he was completely exhausted I could try, but I think we’d need a few weeks to get him used to the sound of the clippers!
Did you ease into it? Did you ever trim his puppy coat? (Finnigan is still really fluffy, in fact just this week I noticed that some of his curly hair is coming in).
Really- any tips you can pass along would be really appreciated!
You can see some photos of him on my facebook profile ( )
Hi Jackie!
Your puppy is adorable!!! We took Pudge for his first hair cut at the groomer when he was about 3 months old. We figured they could give him the test run and that way we knew what he should look like when we did it ourselves:) The first time we did it at home he was about 5 months old and I will admit he didn’t love it. Our trick was to use peanut butter as a bribe:) We would put it in a hollow bone for him and he would suck it out. A dixie cup would work to. Something they have to work at to keep them distracted so you can cut and they will not be paying attention. We turned the clippers on and just let him sniff it out and hear it for a few minutes at first too and then it didn’t bother him. I think if you start him young he should be ok. Pudge does really well now. In fact the last time we did it, he just laid down on the bench and let me cut! I would recommend having someone help you though. Mike fills up the bone and keeps him distracted. So my major tips would be have a partner help and bribe them with something that will keep them busy! Let me know if you have any more questions and if you try it! I would love to hear how it goes!
Hey there
Love your countertops.
Did u happen to make a tutorial of you made them?
I’m inspired!
Great blog, always look forward to hearing from you
Hi Natalie!
I have a huge tutorial planned for the countertops. I am going to spread it out over 3 posts because there are lots of details to include and post #1 is planned for tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by:)
I love your concrete counter tops! You did an awesome job!
HI. I am looking for a new paint color in my bedroom and I love the blue you have throughout your house. Can you share the name of that color, pretty please, as I am about to go crazy trying to find the perfect color to go with my gray comforter. Thanks in advance!!
Hi LeAnne!
We have used Windsurf by Behr {from Home Depot} in our kitchen. The blue on our board and batten is actually a gray color but comes across blue for some reason:) I hope that helps!
I want to follow you, but don’t see a link…LOVE your blog!
Hi Betsy!
On my home page, under my picture are ways to subscribe through email or readers. You can also connect through my Google Friend Link towards the bottom of the home page. Thanks for coming over!
that is awsome!!
Hi there!
I saw your adorable goldendoodle (love the name Pudge by the way) in one of your posts. I’ve been looking for a breeder for about 4 months now. I was checking out one in Texas and Alabama. Do you mind telling me where you got him from? Is he a mini or standard? He looks pretty big in your arms. I’m looking for a mini.
Thanks so much!
Hi Jackie!
Your puppy is adorable!!! We took Pudge for his first hair cut at the groomer when he was about 3 months old. We figured they could give him the test run and that way we knew what he should look like when we did it ourselves:) The first time we did it at home he was about 5 months old and I will admit he didn’t love it. Our trick was to use peanut butter as a bribe:) We would put it in a hollow bone for him and he would suck it out. A dixie cup would work to. Something they have to work at to keep them distracted so you can cut and they will not be paying attention. We turned the clippers on and just let him sniff it out and hear it for a few minutes at first too and then it didn’t bother him. I think if you start him young he should be ok. Pudge does really well now. In fact the last time we did it, he just laid down on the bench and let me cut! I would recommend having someone help you though. Mike fills up the bone and keeps him distracted. So my major tips would be have a partner help and bribe them with something that will keep them busy! Let me know if you have any more questions and if you try it! I would love to hear how it goes!
Hi there - I cannot figure out how to subscribe to this site. Can you help me, please? Many thanks, Debra
You’ve been awarded the Liebster blog award!
Check it out:
I am headed to the hardware store right now to do the TV Mount. My husband has finally saved cash (love Dave Ramsey) for a ridiculous 50″ TV! Anyway, I showed him your blog, I saw it on remodelaholic and now your site is one of my favorites! So I will try to post a blog tomorrow when the TV is hung thanks to your brilliantness . Julia
Awesome! I’ll have to head to your blog and check it out!
Just found your site through pinterest…your countertops look amazing! Quick question. Did you add any color or is the color you got straight up concrete? Thanks.
Hi there - I came across your concrete countertop tutorial today after a quick Google search. We are hoping to do the same in our kitchen and I’m planning on using your tutorial as our “go-to” along with some other reference material. Any other advice that you didn’t think to include in your original post? Thanks!
Hi Traci!
I have recently written a post on how we currently care for our counters now {including a change in wax}. You can check it out here: Other than that, I think everything is included in the 3 posts! Good luck! I would love to see a picture when you get them finished
i am glad i found your website, i have made my first concrete counter top and i am on the phase where i have to fill in some air pockets and Sand down. you mentioned that you bought some concrete patch from home depot. i went and purchased some concrete fix but i did not like it very much. I am going to go back and buy the Quikrete Vinyl Concrete patch, it comes in a tub. was this the one you used? i really wish i would of found this blog before starting my project weeks ago.
Hi Miguel,
This is the patch we used {from Menards}: It worked well for us! Good luck:)
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was just enjoying your round table tutorial! what kind of sealant did you put ontop?
Thank you! We just put a couple coats of clear poly on top.
Hi. I just thought I would let you know that your tutorial on the parsons chair slipcover was an inspiration for me and was featured in my blog post here:
Is there a way to subscribe to your blog and get instand email updates?
on ur wall did u put board up and wood strips over the board? or is it strips over the wall then all painted blue.
We took the inexpensive route and put mdf strips on the walls and then painted the whole wall. It gives the same look at a much better price:)
I’m trying to find your links to DIY concrete countertop makeovers.
First I have to say that I love your site!! You have soooo many great ideas!,,
Ok -I have a question too, in your “Rustic Hanging Shelf Tutorial”
I am a bit confused, on the second step…. You said to glue the wood together. Why?? Or did u not have enough wood that was 6″ wide ???
So if I purchase 6″ wide wood I would not need to glue My boards together,correct??
what is the color on the wall in the window seat room? thanks.
It is called Edge of Night by Dutch Boy.
First I have to say congrats to you and the hubby on the baby. Went through that with my niece, we actually had pictures of the embryo in the dish and took it to the hospital when she delivered and put it next to the baby when she was born and took her photo. Before and After….LOL. Anyway, we are building a new house and I want it to be personal, unique and as cheap as possible when I came across your website on the concrete counters. I actually think we can do it thanks to your post. Thank you for sharing. Lisa
I cam across a beautiful kitchen plug cover (your site was noted). It was on a white subway tile, if you can recollect). Where in heavens did you find this.
Hi Lee!
We found it on sale at Home Depot when we redid our kitchen last year. I’m not sure if they still have them or not but they look great!
Hi Jessie,
First off, I just wanted to say your projects are beautiful! I love them, so much that me and my husband are about to create your built in bookshelf idea in our family room. I was just wondering how they have held up for you using the MDF boards? Weve already went to our local home improvement store and picked some up for hopefully a this weekend project
A fellow Dave Ramsey FPU class taker
Hi Ellen!
Thank you for such sweet compliments:) Our MDF has held up great. We don’t have any complaints about them and Mike is actually getting ready to build some for some neighbors of ours. I believe he is using some smooth plywood for their shelves because they are putting media equipment on them and he wanted some extra strength. For ours, which just have knick knacks, the MDF is more than enough to hold everything. Good luck with your shelves!
And congrats on being a Dave Ramsey follower:) Smart lady!
Jessie, we just received a comment question on our blog about the feature we did of your countertops here,
Could you be so kind and come over and help answer the question? That would be awesome if you could. Thanks in advance!