Guest Post-Funkytime
April 28, 2011 | Posted by Jessie under Guest Bloggers |
Happy Thursday! I’m excited to have a fun, funky, guest blogger today to share some of her favorite posts with you all. Sibylle is an amazing photographer and creative blogger that I think you will all love.
Hello to all of the Imperfectly Polished awesome readers!
See the pic below? That would be me. My name is Sibylle and my blog is called Funkytime. I am a graphic designer/ stylist/ regular German girl with a passion for Photography, DIY Stuff, decorating, second hand stores and pretty Vintage things {here are 7 things you didn’t know about me}.
I am thrilled to be swapping creative ideas with Jessie here today!
Enough of me, here are some of my favorite projects.
A Shoe Makeover:
Are you ready to slip your feet into something spectacular? Well, there is
some work involved though- and you have to love ruffles..
I took a pair of of plain denim wedge sandals. (Walmart $15) and revamped them with some flower fabric, rickrack and mod podge. The whole DIY is here!
Birthday in a Suitcase
This was a present for my husband, his birthday was earlier this month. When I bought an old suitcase at the flea market, I didn’t know exactly what to do with it. But it was only $15 , ‘worst’ case scenario, I would have painted it white and put it next to my bed as a bedside table. When I saw this cute idea, my picnic basket/birthday in a suitcase project was born!
It took me one whole evening, about 4 hours to make, and the total cost including all the plates, cutlery, fabric, suitcase etc… was $55. It even got featured on Design*Sponge. For the whole DIY and more pictures go “Birthday in a Suitcase DIY”.
Soap Wrappers
Besides all my DIY projects, I always try to squeeze some freebies in for my readers. This time, I designed soap wrappers. Have you made lovely soaps and now they sit there..naked.. bare for all the world to see?! Or do you have some soap bars still wrapped sitting in your bathroom cabinet? Well, then this freebie is for you!
To download go here and for all my other freebies, go here.
Thanks again, Jessie, for having me today! It’s been a blast.
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Thanks, Sibylle for sharing all your fun ideas! She’s got me searching my closet for some shoes in need of a makeover! Head over to Funkytime and leave her some comment love:)
You can also visit me over at Funkytime today sharing some of my favorite posts!
Be sure to come back tomorrow for our monthly wrap-up!
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