Why dontcha sew something
January 27, 2011 | Posted by Jessie under Sewing Projects |
Ok, that’s my best Britney knock off (Why Dontcha Do Something). Anybody with me? My hubby had no idea what song I was talking about. Anyway, hopefully that awful song is now stuck in your head like it is mine. Your welcome.
If you have never sewn in your life, you are totally missing out on all the fun. If you can learn to sew, you can create so many unique (and usually cheap) items for your home. I have only had my machine since the beginning of December and find it therapuetic to get up there and create something. Especially since I have this inspiring table that I get to work at. Here is what I have made so far:
Seat Covers:
I have a long list of projects that I am waiting to tackle with my sewing machine (I should name it-suggestions welcome). As you know, we are budgeters so I take my projects a month at a time to fit our budget. I can’t wait to show you what we have in store for February. Trust me, if I can learn to sew, sew can you-I’m a cheeseball, I know.
I just found your blog today! Mind if ask where you found the cream and white fabric you used for the drapes in your living room?? I have been looking fo something similar and have even thown around the idea of painting white fabric to get the look!
Thanks and keep up the great projects!!
Hi Lindsey!
I searched for awhile to find the perfect fabric. I knew I wanted them to be very inexpensive so I looked for fabric that wasn’t necessarily home decor. I actually used muslin (the cream) from Hancock Fabrics. I got it for $1.99/yard! The white fabric is actually a polyester blend that I got on clearance for $2.99/yard at Joann Fabrics. They work really well together. I never even thought about painting-very creative:) Good luck with your drapes-I would love to see your finished project!!!